Social Media Fake Identities

We can’t deny it, social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, etc. had been a part of our day to day activities. Getting deep into it, we can see the dark side of it. In 2017 The Statistics Portal estimated that around 2.46 Billion almost a third of our population are now using Social Media. The basics of Social Media involves; profile pictures for identification and personal information, however people can easily fake this since Social Media is an open world for everyone. This is where the real trick starts, nowadays people got smarter and smarter until they found out a way to attract people using the Social Media. By faking their profile pictures into someone else good-looking public will get interest in you for your beautiful profile. But are you sure that what you’ve seen from the picture is real? These profiles are use as bait to get your interest and once they gain your trust countless possibilities can happen after. Coby Persin a famous YouTube artist conducted a Social Media Experiment regarding on how Fake social media accounts can fool young millennials, Watch the video with this link One of the major impact of this is that, Social Media can now be used as a crime and thus threats the whole population of the outcome and the dark side of using Social Media.

How can we avoid being a victim? First thing while using social media only add people whom you know and avoid strangers. Second, avoid giving personal information about yourself such as contact number, home address etc. Third, be aware of what you post online, this might give information to people with interest in you and may track your location. Lastly and the most important, if someone whom you don’t even recognize chat and have a conversation with you, ignore the fact that they might be “A FRIEND” it is important to stay away from them for your own good and for your own safety.

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